Behind the Success of Miss Teen Houston Latina


Daniela Roscero, News Editor

The stage, the lights, the big smiles, and the fancy dresses that create a semblance of perfection: that’s what we see when we think pageants. Th at’s what we like seeing. But behind the scenes, there’s much more than that.

Behind the scenes, there is discipline, effort, dedication, and responsibility. She might seem like just a pretty girl with a crown, but the goal is not just to be a model—the goal is to be a role model.

“You can’t know something until you try it…They wanted to find women who are inspirational and confident,” said Venezuelan Ana K. Marro, the current Miss Teen Houston Latina and fellow Tomball Cougar.

Her crowning is one of her most memorable moments: “I’d worked for that so hard, and it paid off . It felt right. It felt perfect,” Marro said.

Her role as Miss Teen Houston Latina comes with many responsibilities. “Being active on social media is a big part of it,” she said, “We also work a lot with different charities like Big Little JC.”

Her life might seem picture-perfect, and a picture may say a thousand words, but a thousand words aren’t always enough to tell the whole story.

“My freshman year, when I started participating in pageants, I didn’t really know myself, and I went through periods of depression and anxiety,” she confessed.

Being Miss Teen Houston Latina helped her become more confident in herself.

“I have become a happier, better version of myself. I learned how much wanting something pushes you, the power of passion and drive,” Marro said.

Th e most rewarding part for her, however,
has been being a role model, especially that of Anabelle, the eleven-year-old daughter of the organization’s photographer.

“She reminds me of me, and I love her so much” she said.

Besides being Miss Teen Houston Latina, she has been involved in different clubs at school, including French club, book club, TAFE, and STUCO, and founded the school’s philosophy club.

“I decided to join these organizations to find what interested me. Philosophy was always interesting to me, so I always knew I wanted to create a philosophy club,” she said

One of the hobbies she enjoys the most, however, is singing. She even has an active Youtube channel where she posts covers. In an Instagram post in which she adds a clip of one of her videos she quotes Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli: “Singing provides a true sense of lightheartedness…It’s freedom.”

Aft er she graduates from THS this year, she plans to study economics at the University of Houston, which has offered her a scholarship for academic excellence.

“I decided to study eco because of Mrs. Taylor’s class,” she said. “Th is scholarship was just the cherry on top to my year…every second of stress was worth it just for this.”