The environment seems pleasant and neat when you don’t look too hard; but sometimes the harm being done to our planet is harm unseen.
Visible harm is obvious. We notice the food wrappers, the soda cans, bottles, and the bits and pieces of trash people leave behind, but do we do anything about it?
Global warming is a consequence of human activity, scientists note. The impacts of global warming are astonishing. Melting glaciers, extinctions of species, rising sea levels, and wildfires are just some of the outcomes of global warming.
But there are solutions: grow more forestland, reduce emissions, increase wind and solar power and conserve energy.
The government has mandated restrictions for big business, but individuals are left to their own conscience on conservation.
“People should stop smoking, start using reusable bags (even though I hate them), stop killing animals and trees, and recycle stuff they can like batteries, paper, clothing and so on.” said junior Jennifer Barahona.
Advancements provide new ways to help out the environment and to preserve the natural resources. There are ways to go green without being a tree hugger.
Scientists in Singapore have found a way to create a urine powered battery. Apparently, urine, copper chloride, magnesium, copper can produce the same amount of power as an AA battery.
Other ideas being tossed around include reusable toilet paper, a stapleless stapler, recycling e-waste, lithium-ion batteries and more.
Maybe none of these would be our first choice and they sure doesn’t sound like a thrilling one.
The simple things like recycling a can or a bottle and accepting eco-friendly products is something we can help with.
“I pick up trash and recycle for the environment,” junior Maysie Wagnon said.
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It might not seem like much, but it makes a difference to the Earth. Even joining an environmental club can make the difference. Interact Club has even decided to go green.
“I help the environment by recycling,” said junior Roberto Mambru.
The first step in helping the earth is to be more aware about its conditions.
Loads of companies have gone green. Everything is going green: news, politics, fashion and technology. Why not go green ourselves?