Understand love’s languages to amplify Valentine’s Day

Example of a valentines day bouquet

Sydney Thomas-Arnold, Feature Editor

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Valentine’s Day is known to be the day of love. Consequently, cheap romance has been tied to everything revolving around the 14th. It’s seen in commercials, in grocery stores, and even in school. With this, many grow tired of the commercialized love scheme that is valentines day.

However Valentine’s Day does not just have to be for those with a partner, it can also be an opportunity to spread love to friends and family.  A good way to show people you care about them is to recognize love languages. These are ways in which people show and receive love the best. By understanding the different types of love languages, people can show care to the people in their lives in a much more thoughtful way.

1. Gift-giving

Gifting is a love language that involves both receiving and giving gifts of all kinds. While many view this as buying something expensive, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Appealing to this form of love could mean making them something, paying for dinner, picking/arranging flowers, or buying a book they mentioned wanting to read. To those who appreciate this love language, gift-giving is much more about the act of giving thoughtfully than the actual gift itself.

2. Words of affirmation

Words of affirmation are for those who feel connection and love through positive remarks, encouragement, and admiration. This can easily be shown by regularly uplifting those you care about and incorporating good and thoughtful conversation. To make love stand out, try leaving people notes, cards, letters, or even just thoughtful texts. Using words to show love is generally an underestimated method but one that has proven to be effective in building close relationships.

3. Acts of service

Acts of service appeal to those who find they are most grateful when someone does something kind for them. Things to do to connect with loved ones could be cooking a nice meal, baking for them, cleaning, or fixing something for them. It’s important to keep in mind that in this form of love, it is not that you have to always be doing things for them, more so that actions speak to them louder than words. People who relate to this language will most likely prefer active attentiveness to the people they care about as well.

4. Quality time

Quality time is for those who enjoy simply being around and doing things with people. Special ways one could connect with loved ones that enjoy quality time could be going on a nice walk together, planning a picnic, seeing a movie, or even just having good conversations. The key to this love language is planning a specific time to spend with that person, giving them individualized attention, and making them feel appreciated.

5. Physical touch

Physical touch is for those who generally express love through physical closeness. This form of love does not necessarily require grand acts but could be seen through a supportive high-five, sitting together, doing their hair, etc. This could also include gifting them things like cozy blankets or pillows. The main aspect of this love language is that little, comforting gestures are what make someone feel appreciated.

It’s important to understand the different types of love languages and which ones speak to the people close to you in your life. By using love languages as a guide to understanding loved ones, Valentine’s Day, and every day can feel more like a genuine connection and less of a generic holiday.