State considers ban on cell phones
OPINION: Should schools ban phones? NO! YES!
Across the country, many high schools have resulted in the no phone policy. As this discussion arises between parents, teachers, and students it becomes a real question if Tomball ISD will result in that action as well. Phones should not be allowed during school hours because they cause distractions and hinder learning.
When students have easy access to their phones, texting friends or scrolling through social media can be tempting during class, diverting attention from the educational lesson. This constant distraction can lead to a lack of engagement and lower retention of information.
Moreover, the presence of phones can disrupt the classroom environment, making it harder for teachers to maintain control and for students to remain focused on the activities.
Without the temptation of their devices, students have more attention directed towards the class. Teachers throughout Tomball ISD have already kept phones away during class time.
During class time, having to tell someone to put their phone in their backpack every day can distract and take away time from the teacher.
If phones were not allowed, it would prevent this from happening and ensure that there are no distractions from learning.
Additionally, a phone-free classroom encourages students to develop better study habits and communication skills.
It has been proved that banning phones during school hours has improved academic achievement and increased focus. This increased focus can lead to better understanding and retention of information.
Many see that one of the most prominent reasons for allowing phones in school is their role in emergencies and security. For instance, if a student feels unsafe or witnesses a dangerous situation, being able to quickly contact their parents makes a significant difference. This is understandable, but there are many alternative ways of getting in contact with parents during school hours.
For example, contact through the front office or even the phone in classrooms can be used when students don’t have access to their parents. Therefore, while the idea of having phones as a security purpose is understandable, it’s essential to know that phones restrict learning and can create distractions in the learning environment.
Students should not have access to their phones during school hours. From creating distractions to hindering learning, having access to personal devices is not beneficial in classrooms. As a result, the easiest solution is to not allow phones at school.
During a recent interview with Mike Morath, TEA commissioner, he shared his opinion on electronics being “extremely harmful for student learning”.
With that being said, schools across the state should be preparing for this new change that could occur in the near future.