School Shaving: Mark Aguilera

Dear editor,

I think the school should not make us have to shave. Some of us have to shave every night and it’s not fun, it stresses us. Knowing every morning we have to spend time to shave. The school is pretty lenient with everything about dress code except for facial hair.  It wouldn’t cause a distraction or anything, so I don’t know why we can’t grow anything. Other than that, this school ain’t bad.

Mark Aguilera


To whom it may concern,

I hear you man, though I am perhaps a bit biased towards this issue due to my own experience. More than once have I been on the sharp side of one of this school’s awful razors. The reasoning behind it seems flawed as well. Other than being a source of embarrassment for people who think they can grow facial hair but can’t, I don’t see the downside to allowing the students to grow it. If anything, taking time out school and class (and cutting up your face because of school razors) to go and shave seems like the far bigger distraction.



Austin Dominguez ([email protected])