Shattered Lives grim reminder not to drink, text and drive

Shattered Lives grim reminder not to drink, text and drive

Shattered Lives showcases how dangerous and deadly drunk driving and texting and driving can be. More than 60 people from the junior and senior classes are participating this year, and it seems to be all anyone can talk about.
“It’s a great experience,” said junior Morgan Koteras, “It really shows how tragic those types of things can be. Everything can change in a split second. It inspires people to make the right decision to not drink and drive.”
Shattered Lives is a representation of the tragedies that occur from accidents from drinking and texting while driving. With students dressed in all black, cars from real crashes, and the ‘Grim Reaper,’ students get a real feel for how serious these things can be.
According to, “Researchers at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park estimate more than 3,000 annual teen deaths nationwide from texting while driving.” Like the saying goes, “It can wait.”
The event this year is on Feb. 26-27.