Tips to help shed extra weight

Fit factspic
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As we approach Halloween and the holiday season, here are a few facts about eating fit that most people don’t know. These few things can help you shred a few pounds.

    Eating more can actually help you lose weight if done properly. Eating less portions 5-6 times a day of healthy food will boost your metabolism and help burn fat.

    Doing just a little can go farther than you’d think, getting up a little earlier and doing a light workout for 15 minutes will also boost your metabolism through the day.

    Everybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but it’s also important what you eat. Trying to take in a protein based breakfast is the best choice to prepare your body for the day.

    Using everything that you ingested throughout the day is vital. Doing a 15-30 minute workout helps to use any calories left over in your body.

    The most important step is also the simplest; you have to will yourself to do it. You have to be honest with yourself to make this change and to stick with it.
