Prom Tickets on sale now
See Mr. Vierkant for ticket information.
April 19, 2022
Calling all Seniors! Pay attention because tickets must be purchased before you attend prom this year.
Mr. Vierkant will sell admission tickets starting April 11 during all lunches through April 22. He will be unavailable to sell on Thursday the 14th and 21st so plan accordingly. Mr. Vierkant will be selling for $65 (CASH ONLY).
If you earned free admission with trash bag sales, you still need to come and check in with Mr. Vierkant.
Prom will be ticket-less this year. Seniors and the names of their dates are on Mr. Vierkant’s Master List and all you do is show an I.D. or Drivers License to enter prom.
Prom will be held April 23 at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott. There will not be a coat check room, so you need to leave all non-essentials in your vehicle.