What’s it mean to be a Cougar?


Macey Speed, Senior Writer

Care- Having an ‘I don’t care’ attitude is never productive. Though sometimes it’s perceived to be cool to not care or feel like you care only about certain things, a little effort goes a long way.

Organize- As if 7 classes weren’t enough to juggle you probably have extracurriculars to keep up with as well. The best way to make sure you’re on top of everything is to keep a planner and record important dates, like that essay or project. Separate binders for classes also help to make sure you don’t lose important papers. 

U Got This- Be confident in yourself. It is easy to get in your head when it comes to your performance on grades, sports, or any activity you do.  

Goals- Setting goals for yourself for the year can be very beneficial. As a freshman, you should try to meet some upperclassmen as a goal or learn where the different subject hallways are. Set small goals throughout the year to make your experience

Ask For Help- Being in high school you are NOT expected to know the answer to everything. Ask for help from teachers, counselors, or just upperclassmen. If you don’t understand something in your class all our teachers offer either before or after school tutoring.

Respect- It is important to respect your teachers and administration, they’re here to help and guide you through high school. You have full access, make sure to take advantage of it.