Star Wars almost here

This is amazing, it’s been too long since the last Star wars movie came out!
Overall the idea of a new Star Wars movie coming out sends a chill of excitement down my spine and has me feel like a little kid again. Heck, it’s been 10 years since the last movie was released.
So to give a quick synopsis, episode VII will be about three unlikely people that meet up to defeat the new sith lord, Kyro Ren.
The First Order, a military junta that rules over areas previously controlled by the Galactic Empire, tries to regain control. The First Order has the usual storm/clone trooper appearance and is the first canon story line that has non-clones in the white trooper uniforms.
The society of Ren is a post-episode 6 sith order that serves the First Order, much like the Jedi served the Galactic Republic.
Kyro Ren, our main antagonist, gets his name by being part of the society of Ren much like Darth was previously used.
Based off the title, you infer that the force was asleep or dormant the past 30 years. Which will make since as to why there aren’t any Jedi and also why everybody seems to think they’re legends or myths.
Upon watching the trailer, I couldn’t help but compare Darth Vader & Kylo Ren with Nazis and Neo-Nazis. For example Kylo Ren talks to Vader’s mask saying, “Nothing will stop us, I will finish what you started.”
On a non-conspiracy theory note, I worry about how twisted or different it might be from George Lucas’ original intentions.
Final thought, I feel episode 6 was the perfect ending. It left things to your own imagination, yet the prophecy was fulfilled unexpectedly by Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker, father of Luke).
Yin & Yang had been achieved…
Contrary to what I’ve said, I’m still super excited. Star wars geeks everywhere have been waiting FOREVER!
Please go see the movie, you won’t be disappointed. And may the force be with you…