Album Review: Immortalized by Disturbed

Disturbed introduced a new album to the world called “Immortalized”
The album starts off with a creepy sounding intro called Eye of the Storm.
The Vengeful One, the song that has a music video, is a complicated, multi-meaning song to say the least. Taking the song literally, it’s about an angel or spirit who comes down to earth to destroy and dispose of corruption and evil around the world.
As the actual video portrays of the song, it’s a tale of a spirit coming down to earth and eliminating the evil media that controls this particular dystopian society. Other ways the song could possibly be interpreted include vigilantism, a freedom fighter, or possibly even the act of murder.
Similar to The Vengeful One, Open Your Eyes demands every listener to make their own opinions and views instead of letting others and the media tell them what to think. Another message of the song is to not be satisfied with your own life and find out what’s truly going on around you and the world.
After the songs Being of Vengeance and Wrong Doing, a song of peace is played. The Light is about how, no matter how horrible and dark your life seems, things will get better as long as you try to make the best out of the present and look for the light of the future.
What Are You Waiting For is a relatively simple song about frustration with authority which includes everything from politicians, your boss, and God.
Save Your Last Goodbye is a plea to the girl he loves to not break up/divorce him.
The last song, Fire It Up, tells how the great leaf makes him feel, which makes him feel outstanding, at peace, and gives incomparable inspiration. However, this leaf is compared to the devil because like temptation, it seems harmless and good, but in the end it will kill you. This “leaf” which gets revealed in the end is marijuana.
So overall this’s one of the better of Disturbed’s albums in recent history. Yet less than half of the songs were even worth mentioning and, to say the least, bland. So to conclude, I give this album a 6-out-of-10.