Jake Walls runs the Houston Half Marathon

Photo courtesy of Jake Walls

Jake Walls poses with fellow runners.

Kyla Fleischhauer, Staff Writer

A cold day with clear skies as the 25,000 people put on their sneakers and get ready to compete. Jake Walls, a 16 year old from Tomball, Texas ran the half marathon this past Sunday in Downtown Houston. He has ran this race 6 times and strives to run more.

“Pace yourself, and set up a training plan at least 3 months in advance before the race,” he said as advice to new runners.

Ironically, Walls has never trained once for all 6 races he has competed in.

One of Walls’ best times is 1:50:00 and he aspires to beat that time. He likes running these events because he enjoys the city and watching people work together to accomplish a goal.

Walls runs these races with his family and he loves spending time with them, especially on wild activities like this one.

Walls is an athletic and outgoing person and aspires to become a better athlete and individual every day.