Deadline approaching for 2023 Miss Tomball Pageant

Miss Tomball pageant coming up soon.
October 14, 2022
The 2023 Miss Tomball Pageant will be held on Nov.19 and will, yet again, be presented by the Aloha Beauty Lounge. One big change, however: The pageant will be held in Tomball High School. The due dates for admissions forms is Friday, Oct. 14. However, it will likely be extended.
If you chose to enter the competition there are several expectations for the pageant. Competitors must be present at ALL rehearsals and photo sessions as well as the parade. Once someone wins the pageant, they are required to attend all functions requested by the GTACC.
There are several posters and packets about this information distributed around the school. Or, stop at the Chamber of Commerce on Quinn Road.