Club & Class officers set for 2022-2023 school year

22-23 THS Leadership Logo
May 2, 2022
As the year closes, many clubs and organizations around the school are preparing for the following year. Leadership positions for many of these groups are being finalized. Some of the following include:
Student council:
- Presidents: Brooke Obenhaus and Turner Schiel
- Vice President: Turner Schiel
- Secretary: Isabella Barrelio
- Treasurer: Audrey Pearson
- Parliamentarians: Rachel Olugbusi
- Historian: Sarah Seymour
Senior Class Officers:
- President: Pamela Chow
- Vice President: Anne Dawson Coberth
- Secretary: Paola Chow
- Treasurer: Kelsey Speed
- Historian: Sofia Alvarado
Junior Class Officers:
- President: Martha Johnson
- Vice President: William Klein
- Secretary: Elise Abbot
- Treasurer: Andrea Doumit
- Historian: Haley Sawyer
Sophomore Class Officers:
- President: Allie Moon
- Vice President: Deborah Olugbusi
- Secretary: Ross Stroble
- Treasurer: Braden Soetert
- Historian: Roslyn McKnight
Motivation Letters Club
President: Tina Curutchet
Vice President: Ashley Cao
Commanding Officer: Cadet Vivian Hernandez
Executive Officer: Cadet Ian Hernandez
Administrative Officer: Cadet Jesus Bustamante
Administrative Assistant: Cadet Autumn Guin
Supply Officer: Cadet Shane Serag-Eldin
Supply Assistant: Cadet Landon Pate
Operations Officer: Cadet Estefani Lagunes
College & Career Club
Co-Presidents – Eliza Andriassyan & Diego Medina
T3 Robotics Club
Team Captain: Olivia Dittrich
Robot Captain: Aarambh Anand
Chairman’s Captain: Anshu Yedavelli
Head of Mechatronics: Matthew Gallagher
Head of Strategy: Anand Julapalli
Head of Design: Gabriel Marquez
Head of Safety: Cesar Ortiz
Head of Programming: Akshita Santra
Head of Business: Isabella Alvarez
Head of Media: Jose Gomez
Book Club
President- Emily Sanderson
Publicity Team Lead- Ana Arana
Book Selection Team Lead- Helena Chandy
Discussion Facilitation Team Lead- Veronica Ortiz
Hospitality Team Lead- Duchesse Ndulue
T-shirt Design Team Lead- Soledad Perez
Charms Officers
Dance Major: Sophia Elliott
Dance Lt. Major: Mallorie Albert
Dance Lt.: Sierra Moore
Dance Lt.: Ciana Shafer
Social President: Brooke Dennis
Social VP Spirit: Pyper Pledger
Social VP Sisters: Sadie Thomas
Social Historian: Rachel Smith
Social Secretary: Julia Espitia
More will be added as club sponsors send them to the newspaper staff.