Prom tickets on sale now
Prom tickets on sale now.
April 23, 2021
Prom tickets are on sale now through April 30, priced at $65 each and payable with cash only.
They will be sold at all lunches through next week, and TVS students can email AP Mark Vierkant with arrangements to buy tickets.
Seniors that sold the required amount of trash bags will receive a free ticket.
All THS students must fill out the permission form, and all non-THS students must fill out the “Outside Guest” form. These forms can either be picked up at the front desk or found in an email from Vierkant.
Prom is being held at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott on the rooftop of their parking structure on May 1, from 7:30 – 11 p.m. The theme is A Night Under the Stars, and masks will be required.