Cheer tryouts coming soon
Natalie Allen at Patriotic pep rally.
January 30, 2020
Cheer tryouts are coming up the first week of March. Tryout packets are now available and will need to be turned in to Coach Steven Weibel by Feb. 13.
Tryouts for Junior Varsity and Varsity squads will be available, the freshman option is still being debated. To be eligible for Varsity, students must perform the skill of standing back handspring or higher, which can include a standing tuck or full.
“I’m really exited to tryout this year,” freshman Dylan Ward said. “Last year was a blast and I can’t wait to see what this year brings.”
The tryouts will included learning a dance and cheer, preforming three jumps, running and standing tumbling. The complete tryout will be March 5, with results being posted that Friday after school. As for deciding who makes the team, it will be judgement based.
“I’m so excited for school cheer tryouts,” Freshmen Meghan Stotts said. “I had an amazing ime this year and I hope more people join next year.”
To everyone that makes the squad, the camp will be the Jun 10-13 at Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. The cheerleading program is not allowed to specify the rest of the details until after tryouts.
“Cheer gave me many opportunities to be myself more. I am very grateful to be able to cheer with some of my best friends,” freshmen Isabel Meleski said.
The cheerleaders will continue o cheer at boht basketball games and football games for the 2020-202 season. Varsity cheerleaders will go to both home and away football games for the Varsity football team, and Junior Varsity cheerleaders will cheer at home games for the JV football team.
“Most people think cheer is a joke, when in reality we put in as much hard work and dedication as you would for any other sort,” freshmen Meagan Adkison said. “Not may people can do cheer, like it’s not just yelling “Go Coogs” at a football game. Its more than tht we put our bodies through pain and keep going with our routine.”
If Tomball High School does have a freshmen cheer squad, they will be cheering at freshmen home games, if no the JV cheerleaders could possibly cheer at the freshmen football team’s games as well.
“Tryouts are the hardest part, you have to make sure you meet the expected points needed to make the team,” freshmen Meagen Akison said.