The Show Goes On


Macey Speed, News Editor

Many members of the Tomball STAGE performed well at the UIL One-Act Play District Contest and are now advancing to the Bi-District Contest.

Kayla Lewey and Alexa Gutierrez were awarded all-star cast and George Salcido received an honorable mention.

“I’ve practiced saying the same lines a thousand different ways so I guess it payed off,” Salcido said.

The tech crew: Erik LaNeave, Jimena Orosco, Isaac Shelton, Gianna Woods, and Miranda York, were named best tech crew at the contest.

Miranda York was selected as best individual crew member.

“It felt weird. I’m the stage manager this year and it’s a lot of work,” York said “I spend a lot of time at school but overall it’s worth it.”

The Man Who Came to Dinner will compete at the Bi-District Contest on Thursday, March 28th at Magnolia High School. The first play begins at 1pm and Tomball will perform around 5pm.

A big congratulations to the Tomball STAGE and of course, good luck.