College & Career Fair on tap tonight

February 6, 2017
So you’re in high school, and graduation is slowly creeping up on you.
What’s next?
If you’re not sure about the answer, tonight’s College & Career Fair is a must-see event. Dozens of schools, businesses and more will be in the Lego Gym from 6-7:30 p.m. tonight to answer questions and chat with students about college life and different jobs and career options.
Among those who may be at the event:
Air Force
Art Institute
Baylor University
Dallas Baptist University
Drake University
Houston Baptist University
Lamar University
Lone Star College (Health/Kinesiology, Continuing Ed, Dental Hygiene, Honors College, IT Department, Nursing, Vet Tech)
Massage Envy
Mississippi State University
Missouri Science & Tech
Princeton Review
Sam Houston State University
Santa Fe University of Art & Design
Schreiner University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Student Housing for Blinn & Texas A&M
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State Technical College
Texas State University
Texas Women’s University
Texas Tech University
Tulsa Welding School
Texas Non-Destructive Technology
University of Alabama, Birmingham
University of Houston
University of Houston, Downtown
University of Houston, Victoria
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Texas, Tyler
National Guard
Wells Fargo
West Virginia University
Wisenbaker Building Services, Inc.