HOBY applications available soon

Sophomores interested in honing their leadership skills and making friendships that last a lifetime should consider applying for HOBY– a youth leadership conference dedicated to developing a global community of young volunteers dedicated to “leadership, service, and innovation.”
HOBY, also known as Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership, is a nonprofit organization focused on “training and nurturing the young leaders of tomorrow,” according to the HOBY website. The conference takes place at the end of the school year, and only one girl and one boy from the Sophomore class will be selected to attend.
As a former HOBY alum myself, I can attest to how great the organization is. I learned valuable skills, and made friends that I keep in contact with even now, two years later.
For those interested in being a part of this select group of Sophomores from across the state, visit Ms. Nichols in the College and Career center to learn how you can apply.