Freshman FAQ

Freshmen were asked what they wanted to know the most about school life, and these are the most commonly asked questions.

How can I get involved in school?

Being involved in clubs and sports is the easiest way to meet new people and make new friends. Whether it’s football or the debate team, the people in the club you choose will become your best friends. Click here for the List of Clubs. 

Do I need a locker?

A locker is not required, but it is a useful tool. If you do use a locker, make sure you manage your time wisely so you aren’t late to class.

How do I get to my classes?

The room numbers are posted on signs at the entrances of each hallway, and there are maps scattered around campus. If all else fails, ask a friend or a teacher.

When’s Homecoming?

The homecoming game is September 16th, and the dance is September 17th, from 7:30PM-11:30PM. Make sure you bring your photo I.D. to the dance!

Will I get picked on?

There might be some gentle and playful teasing, but for the most part, upperclassmen will leave you alone. If the teasing is getting too bad, talk to your counselor, teacher, or AP and they will work with you to solve the problem.