Cougar Claw Exclusive: DNC to begin Monday
July 24, 2016
Things seem to be heating up here in Philadelphia, and I’m not just talking about the weather. As tomorrow marks the beginning of the 2016 Democratic National Convention (DNC), journalists from across the country are working hard to produce content for the news tonight.
The Convention will last a total of four days, each day featuring speeches from various political figures.
Monday’s lineup includes Astrid Silva, Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and First Lady Michelle Obama. On Tuesday, President Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement will speak. Wednesday features Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama. On Thursday, the convention closes with speeches from Chelsea Clinton, and finally, Hilary Clinton.
However, this week politicians won’t be the only public figures spotted at the DNC. Lady Gaga, Lenny Kravits, DJ Jazzy, and Snoop Dogg are all planning to perform throughout the week.
Despite all the excitement, the convention did get off to a rough start when the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee announced her resignation. Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s departure is a result of Wikileaks releasing DNC emails that seem to suggest the Democratic Party was working against Sanders during the primary elections in favor of Clinton.
This year’s convention should be interesting. Make sure to check back to for daily updates from the 2016 DNC.
Editor Sam Abrahams reporting live from the Democratic National Convention