AP registration deadline approaching

With each day that passes this semester, AP tests become that much closer. It is important that students remember to register for each exam, or they will not be able to take the test or receive college credit for that particular class.
The deadline to register is March 25. To sign up, visit apstudent.collegeboard.org. Students are required to pay for each exam, and the fee is $97 per test. The College Board does, however, provide a $30 fee reduction to those students who may need financial aid. To find out more about how to qualify, visit apcentral.collegeboard.com.
For many students, the Spring 2016 exams may be the first AP tests they will take. It is essential that students are well prepared to ensure that they receive the score necessary to earn college credit. The scoring is as follows:
5= extremely well qualified
4= well qualified
3= qualified (passing score)
2= possibly qualified
1= no recommendation
To find out what score a college will accept, students can visit the university’s website. Students should also create a College Board account in order to receive their scores over the summer.
Lastly, students should be sure to check the exam schedule to ensure that they are in the right place, at the right time, on the right day. Tests begin May 2 and the last test administered is on May 13.