Fall semester exam schedule


It’s that time of year again, and final exams are just around the corner. So before we depart for Winter Break, take a look at the Fall Semester Exam schedule:


Monday: Normal day, but reviews will take place 6th and 7th period.

Tuesday: You will go to your 1st period, 3rd period, and 5th period all for reviews. After those three periods, you will go to your 7th period exam.

Wednesday: 6th period exam in the morning, then 2nd period review, then 5th period exam, and 4th period review.

Thursday*: A half day for both the 1st period and 3rd period exams.

Friday: Also a half day for both the 2nd period and 4th period exams.

You will not be allowed to leave school until after all exams are completed, so make sure you come prepared to test for an extended period of time.

Good luck on your exams!

*Note: Even though Thursday is a half day, buses will not arrive until their usual time (2:30), so make sure you find an alternate way to get home.