Grade Access glitch
As many students have noticed, over the summer the online Grade Home Access Center webpage was updated. The layout and design of the website completely changed, and as a result students are having trouble seeing their grades.
“The fact that I am not able to access my grades makes me worry,” sophomore Kenady Strutz said. “I can’t tell where I stand in any of my classes and I don’t know where I need to improve.”
If you’re anything like me and you check your grades constantly, this inability to access averages is very upsetting. But don’t worry, this grade blockade is not permanent.
By the middle or end of next week, students will again be able to see their grades on the Home Access Center. To login, students use the same username and password given to them last year.
If you do not currently have a username or password, they will be printed on your progress report.
Students should keep in mind that next week is the third week of this six weeks, meaning that progress report distribution is quickly approaching. Also, this grading period and the next are only five weeks long instead of six.
“I am not necessarily concerned about how long the grading period is, so long as I can check my grades. Once they are posted and I can see them, I’ll be Gucci,” Strutz said.
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