Fantastic first day, Cougars!

Fantastic first day, Cougars!

Though the shoving and confusion of the first day of school is finally over, the real journey has just begun. But it wasn’t all chaos.

“I saw a lot of new students and freshmen coming in excited and ready to learn,” said Student Body Co -President Alan Paul. “I think the faculty was really excited to be part of this year as well.”
And they were. Excitement was thick in the air as the cafeteria returned from the empty hall of summer time to the hustle and bustle we’re all accustomed to.

“We saw a couple of freshmen that looked a little intimidated, but we can all relate to that. We’ve all been that freshman walking in on that frightening first day of high school, wondering what wonders await for us,” Alan Said.

From making new friends to meeting new teachers, it’s safe to say that the first day of school is always full of “information overload!”

“It was exciting to see the students trying to figure out what they’re going to do for the rest of the year, and even the rest of their high school years,” Alan Said

This year is going to be a rush, with Homecoming so soon and student body elections right around the corner.

“We’ll need as many people as we can get to help,” Alan said. “Best of luck to all the students, and it’s a great day to be a Cougar!”