Taste of the holidays: food a key to celebrations


Newspaper Staff

A picture of where some of the cultural food is from on a map

Saige Klein, Creativity Editor

In America, some of the most commonly eaten holiday dishes are turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy. But what other dishes are eaten around the world?

In Greece, a very common food item eaten around the holidays is Melomakarona, a sweet honey cookie that is a Christmas staple. This sweet is usually dipped in spiced cinnamon and orange syrup after baking. Another popular Greek dish is Pork and Celery Stew, which is often consumed on Christmas Eve and is cooked with ingredients such as garlic and leeks to give the broth an herb flavor.

“My favorite Mexican dish is Ensalada navideña (de manzana),” said sophomore Analia Marquez.

This Mexican dish is a very popular delicacy and translates to “Christmas salad.” It’s a mixture of green apple slices, pecans, and a sweet cream sauce that is then topped with maraschino cherries and mint leaves.

Even those who don’t celebrate Christmas, still have dishes that are significant to their culture. For example, in Juddaism, Challah is a very popular dish eaten during Shabbat or Hanukkah. Challah is a very warm, freshly baked bread that is braided and topped with butter and honey. While Hanukkah isn’t considered a major Jewish holiday, it’s a time for families to get together and eat food that represents their cultural background. A popular tradition in the Jewish community is to spend Christmas eating Chinese food!

One popular holiday dish eaten in India is Nga-atobia Thongba, a curry that consists of mashed fish, potatoes, and pears. This dish is often enjoyed over steamed rice and served over Christmas lunch.

Food is the passageway to the heart, to love, and in many ways brings people together. Celebrating what other cultures and religions enjoy around the holidays is a great way to learn more about the fascinating things this world has to offer.