Cassady Tynes becoming Digital Art master

Emma Parada, Staff Writer

Cassady Tynes creates art but not with a pencil and paper but with a computer. The sophomore likes to draw in her free time going from fan art to her creative ideas.

“I first started creating art in elementary school, my first memory of drawing was when I drew a sheep and it made it into the rodeo art show,” Cassady said.

Cassady likes to get her inspiration from other fan artists in the communities she’s in and from TV shows she watches. All of the art she creates comes from the things she enjoys.

“My favorite thing is the product, getting to see the cohesive image of what I had in my head made into reality is very satisfying,” she said.

But why does Cassady do digital art when she could just do pencil and paper?

“I think it all started when I got a leap pad as a baby,” she said. “I would draw and draw and draw on that all day, and I can only assume that’s what sparked my love for digital art.”