Sabatier expresses art through makeup

Sabatier poses after completing a makeup look.

Jenna Jaffray, Senior Writer

A new form of art that allows talented artists to express themselves in a unique way has recently become more popular: makeup.

For Faith Sabatier, it’s a way to show her creativity.

“It’s an outlet for me,” Sabatier said. “Whenever I’m stressed or anxious I’ll go up to my room and play with the [makeup] that I have.”

Sabatier has always been imaginative, and has long been revealing her artistic side.

“I used to do a lot of art projects and baking, and now my new thing is to do makeup,” she said.

Sabatier got interested in this new form of art after watching people on social media, and being shocked by the talent.

“I would scroll through and think ‘Wow these people are so creative,’” Sabatier said. “I used my mom’s makeup, and tried to put it on my face.”

When Sabatier was more confident with her talent, she made an Instagram to display her looks.

“Usually the feedback [from Instagram] is pretty positive,” Sabatier said. “It makes me feel good.”

Sabatier has developed her own unique style from creating her own looks and also seeing social media posts of other people’s art.

“I would look at someone’s Instagram pictures and think of how I could change it, and make it my own,” Sabatier said. “Every person has a different routine, and you can take from their tips. It can be a different face every time.”

But producing authentic and eye-catching makeup looks was not always so easy for Sabatier.

“The hardest thing is the beginning stages, when you’re learning and practicing,” she said. “Figuring a way around [challenges] and being able to do my own looks, that was a struggle.”

Not only does developing this talent take a lot of hard work and dedication, Sabatier also had to spend time figuring out what worked for her facial structure.

“You have to develop your own style because every person’s face is shaped differently,” Sabatier said. “You have to do [makeup] according to your face.”

Along with helping Sabatier learn to overcome obstacles, makeup continues to test her every time she wants to create something new.

“There are so many people who are so talented,” Sabatier said. “The most challenging part has been seeing these looks, recreating [them], and trying to achieve a nice final look.”

Not only does makeup challenge Sabatier, it also helps her grow as a person and become more confident.

“I wear it to show people that it’s okay to be different, and put yourself out there,” she said.  “It’s been an outlet to show people [that] this is what I like to do.”

Sabatier just does makeup as a hobby now, but she has high hopes about the future.

“It’s something that I’m really passionate about,” Sabatier said. “And to have that as a job would be the most amazing thing ever.”

This unique form of art has helped Sabatier flourish and show the world what she has to offer.

“It’s a way for me to express my creativity,” Sabatier said. “I like it because you can do something different every single time, it doesn’t have to be the same process.”

To follow Sabatier on her makeup journey, follow her on Instagram @flsabbeauty