Cage the Elephants new album “Thank you, Happy Birthday,” is a unique take on Alternative rock. The songs are a more experimental sounding and the album is definantly different from their self titled debue. They’ve changed musically for better or worse, depending on ones opinion.
The vocals are pretty much a hit or miss. Matt Shultz’s voice is very unique and adds a lot to the music but in some places it sounds as if his singing is weaker and shot. Musically the album works in a similar way. Sometimes the music has it’s own bizzare flow to it and other times it sounds like it was half hazzardly and carelessly thrown together.
The album opener “Always Something” is a notable song because of its surprising theme, music that reflects blues, and interesting lyrics. Because it is in no way typical alternative rock, this song is fresh sounding and is one of the better tracks.
“2024” is one of the stranger songs on the album because of the way it shifts tone completely periodically through music. It opens with a dark sound and then out of the blue comes a very bright sounding, catchy guitar rift. The song, however strange it is, can be identified as a single for the album.
“Before My Eyes” is very good track melodically. The song overall is softer and the vocals sound smoother than they do on most of the album. Production-wise it is defiantly one of the best out of all the songs.
“Rubber Ball” and “Sell Yourself” are examples of the albums weak points. The first of these songs is dull musically and slightly static vocally, however the lyrics, which are some of the better lyrics on the album. “Sell Yourself” sounds trashy and thrown together like they were attempting to try a more punk style of music.
Overall the album was good. Cage the Elephant continues to develop their unique style of rock and the album is different from most music currently in alternative.