The Cougar Claw occassionally interviews teachers and asks probing and insightful questions. Or, sometimes we ask silly and fun questions. For theater teacher Bryce Ballew, the latter seemed more appropriate.
Q: Your facial hair seems to change quite often. Any previews for the future scruff?
A: Shaved, clean cut, and regrow.
Q: What is your most favorite video game in the history of anything ever?
A: *Long sigh followed by a contemplative pause.* Tomb Raider. I just like problem solving.
Q: How did you get to be so awesome?
A: These are legitimate questions?
I like to have a good time, and I think people respond to that.
Q: If you were a dwarf, would you participate in mining or dragon-slaying?
A: I used to play Dungeons and Dragons growing up. I played a dwarf named Red Wyvren, he was definitely a warrior.
Q: What were you known for most in high school?
A: I was ‘Mr. Spirit’, a title given to the most popular student. I had to dress up and was very energetic.
Q: What do you sing in the shower?
A: Elvis, that’s what’s been going on this month. No Lady GaGa.