Track is coming to a close with the district meets coming up. The final invitational meet on Wednesday, March 19, was a huge success.
The Tomball track team went against Tomball Memorial, Huntsville, Magnolia, Magnolia West, and Bryan High. In the 9th grade men’s group, Tomball got 1rst place with a total of 195.5 points. The Tomball JV boys team came in first with a total of 231 points. The Tomball JV girls team also came in first with a total of 206 points.
9th Grade Boys-
In the 800m Landon Lipasek got 1st
In the 110m hurdles Jacob Escobar got 3rd
In the 300m hurdles Jacob Escobar got 2nd
Max Westling got 1st in the 200 meters and Jaxon Roby got 2nd
In shot put Reid Jacob got 1st, Teddy Gelhar got 2nd, and Cameron Frank got 3rd
In discus Reid Jacob got 1st and Cooper Townsend got 3rd
In long jump Landon Rivera got 3rd
In pole vault Alex Pigford got 1rst and Martin Tellez got 2nd
In high jump Temi Jinadu got 3rd
JV Boys-
Emilio Montalvo got 1st place in the 3200 meters
In the 800m Obi Oji got 1st and Ben Wangsmo got 2nd
In the 110m hurdles Abel Quioz got 1st
In the 100-meters Jonas Coombs got 3rd
In the 400-meter Talan Sylvester got 2nd
In the 300m Hurdles Obi Oji got 1st, Chris Rollins got 2nd, and Derek Marburger got 3rd
In the 200 meters Xavier Reed got 3rd
In the 1600 meters Emilio Montalvo got 3rd
In shot put Aidan Way got 3rd
In discus Brock Johnson got 2nd
In triple jump Josh Berrios got 1st, Francisco Contreras got 2nd, and Jordan Ferguson got 3rd
In long jump Josh Berrios got 3rd
In pole vault Sam Prince got 1rst and Cason Nishimura got 2nd
In high jump Kelvin Becks got 1rst and Wayne Provo got 3rd
JV Girls-
Esther Linton got 2nd place in the 3200 meters
Syria Scott, Ayana Otwom, Mercie Cappadonna, and Lillie Bardo got first place in the 4 x 100m relay
In the 800m Alexa Shirk got 2nd and Sophia Loria got 3rd
In the 100m hurdles Meggie Curry got 1st and Sophia McDannald got 3rd
In the 100-meter Syria Scott got 1st
Breanna Brock, Mercie Cappadonna, Syria Scott, and Ayana Otwom got 1st in the 4 x 200m relay
In the 300m hurdle Meggie Curry got 1rst and Emma Babakhani got 2nd
Lillie Bardo got 1st in the 200 meters
Hope Sherman, Amy Williamson, Chloe Boven, and Alexa Shirk got 1st in the 4 x 400m relay
Lillie Bardo got 1st and Chloe Boven got 3rd in the triple jump
In shot put Keira Blaire got 2nd and Angelique Mugabo got 3rd
In discus Keira Blaire got 1st and Landry Moore got 2nd
In long jump Lillie Bardo got 3rd
In high jump Syria Scott got 1st and Klaire Butts got 2nd