The Charms dance team returned from NDA nationals with many impressive awards to end their competition season.
The team came home with 3rd place in their Large Varsity Pom dance.
After returning home, the Charms then won first overall in their state competition last weekend.
“As for pom we were really motivated to fight for a place higher than our 11th place last year,” said Sydni Wade, member of the Charms Elite Team.
After the Charms 8-rank difference from their original 11th place to this year’s 3rd place shows that this “fight” was indeed well fought and, only the beginning of their great success.
The Charms climbed to a 10-rank difference during the competition from 12th to 2nd in their large varsity game day dance. This section of the competition included a large number of teams, and it spread over three days of competing and by day one they ranked 12th.
“We really brought it for day two jumping to second place and we were able to hold that spot all the way to finals which is a large improvement from our 6th in the decision last year,” said Wade.
The Charms are ranking higher and higher every year and through their determination that drives them they have had an overall very successful competition season.
See below for all of the Charms Dance Teams Awards:
The Charms
Large Varsity Game Day – 2nd Place and Innovative Choreography Award
Large Varsity Pom – 3rd place
Large Varsity Jazz – 8th place