Seniors, here’s everything you need to know about upcoming events and important deadlines to make the most of your final months at THS.
If you still need to purchase a cap and gown for graduation, visit and select Tomball High School to place your order. If you are borrowing from a friend or sibling and need a tassel with the current year, Balfour will be selling them for $13 cash on Senior Photo Day, April 8th.
Coming up are the following:
March 5th– Commencement Speaker tryouts
March 5th– Connect with 30 institutions at the College and Career Fair during Cougar Block
March 6th: Senior Parent Organization March meeting
April 8th– Caps and Gowns distributed as well as Senior Class Photo in the stadium *Very Important*
April 9th– Powder Puff Football Game
April 16th– Prom Tickets go on sale
April 26th– Prom at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott
May 2nd– Top 10 percent breakfast
May 14th– Senior Awards Ceremony
May 16th– Wear your cap and gown all day! Also, Senior Sunset hosted by SPO!
May 18th– Baccalaureate
May 21st– Cougar walk at Elementary Campus
May 22nd– Graduation rehearsal
May 23rd– Graduation at Reed Arena, invite as many people as you would like!
Lastly, March 1st is the last day to enter your 160 service hours into the student link to get your service cord at graduation. With that, April 1st is the final verification deadline for all hours.
Make sure you stay on top of your deadlines and enjoy every moment; these next few months at THS will be unforgettable!