Being able to understand how to do CPR is a life changer. You can save countless lives by doing CPR, and some people are CPR certified but according to the good Samaritan laws, you can provide CPR on anyone that is not breathing without being certified. If you would like to be certified, you can learn about it in schools or you can find videos about it.
In order to do CPR, you must follow these steps:
- Check the scene to see if it is safe.
- Check the person to see if they are breathing or not.
- Call 911 for assistance if they are not breathing.
- Give 30 chest compressions.
- Give 2 rescue breaths.
- Repeat compressions and breaths.
Within these steps there is even more to do. When doing chest compressions, you will want to interlock your fingers and push about an inch to 2 inches deep hard and fast. To rescue breath, you will want to put your ear to their mouth to hear if they are breathing. If they are not, then you will want to pinch their nose and tilt their head back. Then you will put your mouth on theirs like a kiss and breathe into theirs. Know matter what remain on the phone with 911.