With the third 9 weeks coming up, there are several things for seniors over the next 3 months. See down below for dates and information.
Although with it being halfway through the year and many seniors are losing the motivation to show up, remember it is still important to be at school when you can!
Cap and Gown deadline: Feb. 28
Deadline to order Caps and Gowns at balfourgrad.com to ensure delivery on time for the class photo.
Commencement Speaker Tryout: March 5
Everyone in the top 10% is eligible to try out. If you are interested you must write a letter of intent to Mr. Vierkant to which you will then present your final tryout in front of the class officers.
Cap and Gown Distribution: April 8
Caps and Gowns were distributed and Senior Class Photo in the Stadium. Mark it to make sure you are here. We want all Seniors in the photo.
Powder Puff: April 9
Seniors be ready for the best football game of the year, signups open February 27th so be sure to sign up before the deadline.
Prom: April 26
Prom is coming up, be sure to be aware of updates for tickets and queen and king nominations coming out soon.
Top 10% Breakfast: May 2
If you are a part of the top 10% of the senior class enjoy a complimentary breakfast on May 2nd!