At just 16, Dairen Acosta made a decision that not only defied the conventional career path but also redefined what it means to help others—by choosing not between two careers, but by daring to walk both.
Dairen’s journey into clinicals and cosmetology wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. It was a carefully crafted narrative built on passion, sacrifice, and a commitment to self-discovery. As a freshman, Dairen was drawn to the medical field, motivated by a deep fascination with healing and helping others. Yet, despite her commitment to the clinical world, she couldn’t shake the quiet tug toward cosmetology—a realm where beauty met self-confidence. It was a field that allowed her to work with others on a more personal level, helping people feel more at ease in their own skin.
“It all began when I decided I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field. Freshman year, I decided to take Principles of Health Science. I followed up with Medical Terminology, and today, as a Junior, I’m currently in Clinicals,” Dairen Acosta said. “In addition, I decided to pursue cosmetology outside of school in the Summer of 2024 to explore something different that would help me in the future with my studies.”
At the intersection of two divergent paths—clinical science and beauty—Dairen found herself at a crossroads, deciding whether to fully dedicate herself to medicine or give in to the allure of creativity in cosmetology. But rather than choosing one over the other, Dairen made an audacious decision: she would walk both roads. Her days are a masterclass in time management.
“Clinicals are offered in school hours. The first and second periods help me focus on class work and shadowing experience,” Acosta said.
“Outside of school hours, I attend cosmetology classes from 6pm to 10pm,” Dairen said. “Weekends provide the necessary breathing room to catch up on both fields.”
It’s not without its challenges. Dairen admits that balancing schoolwork with the hands-on demands of both clinicals and cosmetology can be draining. Yet, she has found a method to manage it all—organization.
“The most challenging part is balancing schoolwork and cosmetology training,” Dairen said. “Having an organized schedule and not procrastinating has allowed me to be responsible when completing bookwork for cosmetology and learning the material needed for clinicals.”
In fact, it’s Dairen’s clinical training that has empowered her cosmetology practice. Her knowledge of anatomy, infection control, and medical terminology has shaped her approach to beauty.
“Clinicals have helped me with each topic since this is paired with the medical field. This includes the importance of infection control, diseases, terminology, etc.” Dairen said. “In addition, clinicals have helped develop professional communication skills that have helped me communicate with clients and understand their goals for the service. Both pathways are more similar than they appear.”
The connection between the two worlds wasn’t always so clear-cut, but Dairen found that beauty and healthcare aren’t polar opposites. They both require empathy, professional communication, and a deep understanding of the human body.
“Both of them allow me to learn how to help others, whether it is by providing a service to help them feel beautiful and improve their confidence or to help them with their overall health.” Dairen said.
Her dual path has become a profound source of personal fulfillment.
“The most rewarding aspect is being able to feel more secure about the future and having something I enjoy doing as a ‘backup’ plan or source of income to support me through my career,” Dairen said.
Dairen’s commitment to her dual career path is also driven by an overarching goal: to combine both fields in her future career.
“For the moment, I plan on focusing on a career in dentistry. With my cosmetology license, I would be able to perform services outside of school and obtain a job while I study,” Dairen said.
Despite the emotional and physical toll of maintaining two careers, Dairen remains focused on the long-term benefits.
“It can be draining to attend two different schools at the same time, but eventually, I know it will be all worth it,” Dairen said. “This is why, rather than stressing, I decided to enjoy the learning process. In cosmetology, I get to help people feel beautiful and experiment with all the types of services you can provide. In clinicals, I enjoy learning about other people’s careers and what they do for others’ health.”
Her ability to balance both worlds is a testament to her dedication and resilience. A particularly meaningful moment came when Dairen helped calm a patient during a clinical rotation.
“I was assisting with a patient who was nervous about an upcoming procedure, drawing from my knowledge of both health and beauty, I was able to explain the process in a calming way, giving the patient confidence,” Dairen said. “The same skills I used to guide clients through a beauty transformation were now being applied to the clinical world.”
Even in moments of self-doubt, Dairen has found clarity.
“I told this one particular lady about how scary it is for me to grow up and become an adult, and she reassured me and stated how nothing is set in stone and how it is up to me to make the reality I want.” Dairen said. “ Personally, situations like these motivate me to keep studying and help others with whatever I choose to study. I have set clear goals, and I am determined to achieve them.”
As Dairen looks to the future, her vision is clear.
“I have my eyes on being a dental hygienist or a dental technician while providing beauty services in my free time.” Dairen said. “I believe I can balance both and focus on improving confidence in people, whether it be by taking care of their hair, nails, skin, or by helping them have a beautiful smile.”
Dairen’s advice to students looking to follow in her footsteps?
“Be persistent and pursue something that you truly enjoy. Learning should be fun, and remember that at the end of the day, your effort will pay off.” Dairen said.
In a world that often asks us to choose one path, Dairen is walking two. Whether enhancing a smile or helping a client feel beautiful, Dairen is living proof that blending passion with purpose can create a truly fulfilling life.
Follow Dairen’s journey:
Instagram: @creations_dai, @dairen_03